Programming for fairness
Our work in the IT sector focuses on the employees and their issues. These issues differ, ranging from assignment of rights to inventions to unpaid or excessive overtime demands and constant accessibility up to and including health-damaging stress and burnout. No matter how diverse the matters of concern may be, they have one thing in common: if the employees join forces, get organized and become active, they can get things moving. The syndicom trade union supports and assists them in this regard - with resources but, above all, with know-how, experience and a wide network.
No industry is changing as fast as the rapidly growing IT sector, making negotiating skills and strong collective labor agreements (CLA) all the more important to ensure that employees are protected and also benefit from the growth. syndicom has many years of experience with companies in the IT sector, bargaining CLA and helping employees to get organized. Together we can develop working conditions and tackle problems like skills shortage.